Dr. Erickson will call the meeting to order.
At this time, the Pledge of Allegiance will be recited.
Director _____________ will recite this land acknowledgment:
We, the Ferndale School District, acknowledge we are residing on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Lummi People.
The Lummi People are the original inhabitants of Washington's northernmost coast and southern British Columbia. They lived in villages throughout this territory and continue to have an ongoing relationship with these areas.
Since Time Immemorial, they have celebrated life on their water ways and on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded lands of their People to perpetuate their way of life.
We honor their ancestors as we acknowledge the past, present and future Lummi People as the original inhabitants of this land.
Mr. Deebach, Assistant Superintendent will lead a discussion of the 2024-25 Budget.
According to RCW 42.30.110 Article 1, section (b) Executive Session from the Open Public Meetings Act, the board will convene into executive session for approximately 15 minutes to discuss real estate.
No action will be taken during the executive session.