Dr. Erickson will call the meeting to order and welcome audience members.
At this time, the Pledge of Allegiance will be recited.
Mr. Ledbetter will recite this land acknowledgement:
We, the Ferndale School District, acknowledge we are residing on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Lummi People.
The Lummi People are the original inhabitants of Washington's northernmost coast and southern British Columbia. They lived in villages throughout this territory and continue to have an ongoing relationship with these areas.
Since Time Immemorial, they have celebrated life on their water ways and on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded lands of their People to perpetuate their way of life.
We honor their ancestors as we acknowledge the past, present and future Lummi People as the original inhabitants of this land.
The Board will adopt the meeting agenda.
Dr. Erickson will recognize audience members who have comments to present to the Board.
You can either pre-register by emailing School Board support at kristin.newberry@ferndalesd.org before the meeting with your name, email address and reason for speaking, or by filling out the sign-in sheet at the meeting that evening.
For either option, you may also pre-register to comment on the Ferndale School District website at this link: https://www.ferndalesd.org/school-board/public-comment-form.
Commenters who pre-registered will get the chance to speak first. Each commenter will have 3 minutes to speak, and there will be a total of 45 minutes of public comment, in order to allow enough time for the School Board to conduct other business. If you are not able to complete comments in 3 minutes, you may submit the remainder of your comments in writing.
The superintendent will share information.
Student board members will share information.
Mr. Deebach will present Resolution No. 19-2023 approving the budget extension of the Transportation Vehicle Fund for the 2023-2024 school year. This approved resolution will petition OSPI to increase the 2023-2024 Transportation Vehicle Fund from $2,000,000 to $2,700l000 so the district can fund the purchase of additional school buses that were not anticipated in the original budget.
Dr. Erickson will present Governance Culture (GC) Policy GC-7 Ferndale School Board Social Contract for the Board review and discussion.
Dr. Erickson will present WSSDA survey for self-evaluation for the board to consider for adoption.
WSSDA’s online Board Self-Assessment survey is an easy-to-use tool that helps school boards assess and strengthen their performance in governing for improved student learning. Research-based and scientifically validated, the survey is based on the Washington School Board Standards. The self-assessment is freely available to school boards in Washington state.
Adopt revisions to Policy 4060 - Distribution of Materials.
Approve overnight travel for:
1. Beach Elementary to have an overnight stay on February 9th at the school with the fifth graders. Cost are covered by PTO and Leadership funds.
2. Five members of the boys golf team and coach Chad Hoidal to travel to Gamble Sands Golf course in Chelan, Washington on April 9-11, 2024 for the Gamble Sands Invitational. Cost will be covered by the Boys Golf ASB Account.
3. School Board Directors, Student Representatives and staff attend the Legislative Conference and Day on the Hill on January 28 & 29, 2024 in Olympia, WA.
Accept the November 2023 Fund Balance Financial Statements, as attached hereto and made part of the minutes. (Note: Due to the early date of the December Board meeting, the statements will be attached as soon as they are completed, no later than Monday, December 11, 2023)
Inquiries regarding this matter may be addressed to Assistant Superintendent Mark Deebach.
Adopt Resolution No. 20-2023 canceling General Fund warrant numbered 291575, as attached hereto and made part of the minutes.
Inquiries regarding this matter may be addressed to Assistant Superintendent Mark Deebach.
Audit Committee Members are Kevin Erickson ,Steve Childs and Nancy Button.
Authorized Voucher Transmittals:
Vouchers 291823-291852 & 291855-291963 in the amount of $488,542.77. In addition, manual warrant 291822 in the amount of $4,202.98.
Warrants 478485-478502 dated November 30, 2023, in the amount of $1,812,990.86 and electronic deposits in the amount of $4,458,974.44 for a total of $6,271,965.30.
Vouchers 291964-291965 in the amount of $8,191.08.
Vouchers 291853-291854 & 291966-291997 in the amount of $14,440.22.
No December Vouchers
Approve the hiring of personnel, per the list attached and made a part of the minutes.
Questions regarding this matter may be addressed to Assistant Superintendent at District Operations, Mark Deebach.
Approve Personal and Supplemental contracts for December 2023, per the list attached here and made a part of the minutes.
Questions regarding these items may be addressed to Assistant Superintendent at District Operations, Mark Deebach.
Approve leave of absences, per the list attached and made a part of the minutes.
Questions regarding these items may be addressed to Assistant Superintendent at District Operations, Mark Deebach.
Declare equipment, materials and books surplus as indicated on the lists attached hereto and made a part of the minutes.
Inquiries regarding these items may be addressed to Assistant Superintendent of Business and Support Services Mr. Deebach.
Approve minutes of the November 28 Regular meeting, as attached here and made a part of the minutes.
Review the year-to-date Board of Directors' Budget as of November 30, 2023, as attached hereto and made part of the minutes.
Inquiries regarding this matter may be addressed to Assistant Superintendent Mark Deebach.
Ms. Uppiano will report on Legislative issues.
Board members will share information.
Student Board members will evaluate the meeting.